Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How I went from the dress shop to a casino....

My dress is home, yay! I will be treating this situation like I have a new pet. I promise to air it out once a week, not put it in plastic, and pet it once in a while. :P No, but seriously- I need this dress to last a year in my possession. I've read up on lots of different ways to keep it looking great for next year. NO plastic, wrap it in unbleached muslin, and keep it away from pets, children, and mud. I'm going to get this bag to keep it in:


Hopefully it will keep everything ship shape. Plus I love that the website offers to monogram the bag, which is silly, but I like it.

So my family does not have a car. Thank goodness we live in NYC where its not really necessary to have one, but I realized how limiting it is in my wedding planning. Today for example, my dad had to arrange a ride for me so that I wouldn't have to haul my dress on the subway (wouldn't have happened anyway!) Another case in point- tuesday me and the hubster are going to the caterer, but its not near the subway, so we have to take the LIRR. I didn't get to go to Michael's today because our ride had their own plans for the day (which I was later involved in), but I began thinking- this kind of sucks. I gotta get my dad on the Zip Car tip.

Our ride was with my father's best friend, and he was going to Empire City. I went with the blind hope of scoring a lucky streak that would pay for the wedding (dream DENIED) :P but I had tons of fun. And the trip inspired a possible documentary. While I was there, I did coat check and realized how sacred the tip jar/basket is. I mean, I was afraid to lay my hands near it, and then realized that I had an innate respect for the tip basket. Fun stuff. Maybe going to Michael's tomorrow in the city.

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