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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Film Fears

So. Today was my first production class. My crew is already awesome cause I'm working with two people I know. However, we have to shoot black and white and no sound. I'm not too bummed about that, but I did want to do dialogue. Anywayz, here's the kicker, which I know, duh, I should have seen coming. But...., we have to edit the old way. Meaning, no computer!!! I'm so scared. I'm so used to iMovie and I am terrified that I'm going to cut something wrong and the entire movie is ruined. Oh the pressure.

I know that by the next few weeks I'll be fine. And I know that I'm going to love this way of editing. But right this very second, I'm just really nervous. So other than that, class went well, and then I learned how much I'm going to have to shell out for film and processing. Oh fate, why. I am super, ultra, broke, (partly because I don't have a job) and I know I'll find the money somehow, but this means no super sizing at Mc Donalds for the next few months. :( And probably eating Cup of Noodles on a regular basis. Hmmmm...... That doesn't bother me so much. I LLOOOVVEE Cup of Noodles.

I know what my project is going to be about, and of course I will not share that here. But when it is complete, I will certainly post it for you guys to check out. Oh yeah, and another one of my loves: NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE!!!! I'm reading Macbeth and I actually know what's going on!!!! I'm really happy about that. Not so much enjoying the story tho. These guys are pretty dumb. Except King Duncan, so far, he's pretty cool.

I'll try to blog as much as I can during the shooting process, I think it'll be intresting for me to be able to look back at what we went through. And probably interesting for you guys to see what its like to shoot a short film. Anyway, my stomach is reminding me it's time to chow down.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease !

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